You’re proud of your lawn. You water it, feed it on schedule and try to keep the neighbourhood kids off of it.
But you missed a few spots with the fertilizer spreader and now dull, brown patches where the grass was STARVED of potential growth energy begin to show.
A similar situation can happen inside you.
All the cells, organs and tissues that make up your body need an even distribution of neurotrophic (Life sustaining) energy from your nervous system in order to flourish and grow. If parts of your body are deprived of this energy, likewise you’ll develop dull brown patches (disease) on your internal lawn. Chiropractors refer to it as being ‘Subluxated.’
The goal of Chiropractic care is 100% coverage of neurotrophic Life energy in your body – and that’s achieved by keeping your nervous system clear of blockages at the spinal level.
If you don’t want to see ugly, brown, weak patches in your health, stay EVEN and consistent with your Chiropractic care.