Zone Technique
We are proud to announce that Dr. Marco Caravaggio is the first chiropractor in Canada to be certified in the Zone technique by Dr. Peter Goldman.
The Zone Technique: Balancing the Body
Balancing the body can eliminate pain, poor digestion, headaches, restless sleep, lack of focus, low energy, and a weak immune system. There are points on the back of the head that relate to the different systems in the body: glandular, eliminative, nerve, digestive, muscular and circulatory. Every cell in the body is encompassed in those six systems. Once the points on the back of the head are tested to determine which system to work on, a firm but gentle stimulation to the spine in specific places that relate to that system is given in order to completely re-balance that system in the body.
Balancing the body can eliminate pain, poor digestion, headaches, restless sleep, lack of focus, low energy, and a weak immune system. There are points on the back of the head that relate to the different systems in the body: glandular, eliminative, nerve, digestive, muscular and circulatory. Every cell in the body is encompassed in those six systems. Once the points on the back of the head are tested to determine which system to work on, a firm but gentle stimulation to the spine in specific places that relate to that system is given in order to completely re-balance that system in the body.
Watch this video for more information.
Zone Technique Article
Your Trusted Chiropractic Expertise
During your exam Dr. Marco will pull from decades of experience he has had working with patients from many walks of life with a variety of problems. He integrates information from his experience and education he received from some of the most renowned experts from Italy from the years he spent there. He also integrates hundreds of hours of training from the world of chiropractic functional neurology, Network Spinal Care and reorganizational healing as well as The Zone technique.