Are you an overly anxious person? Is worry a perpetual state of your being? Unfortunately, that constant ‘fear of what’s lurking under your bed’ mentality can be creating the chronic pain you have in your body right now.
According to Hans Selye MD, well known author of The Stress of Life, transient anxious states elicit a natural stress response in our bodies. However, prolonged and persistent levels of anxiety can cause an OVER reaction. Your muscles become so tight, they unintentionally pull your spine off its axis – creating posture distortions, chronic immobility and potential nerve damage (a.k.a subluxations). That’s how constant FEAR causes constant PAIN.
Nothing is scarier than living in a perpetual, subluxated state. If you know someone who’s suffering with chronic stress, anxiety and pain, tell them how Chiropractic care can potentially pull them from the darkness of dis-ease into the light of health and happiness.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!